We didn't have any where to be. Anything to do. Papa worked a bit. I took some time to clean and cook.
Other than that, we lounged on the back deck.
Lane and Papa indulged in the Mini Moon Pies I purchased Friday afternoon - finding any excuse to add one to an end of a meal or as an afternoon snack.
The babe does love a Moon Pie - enough that he will climb on to the couch, charm his way into Papa's lap, sneak one little bite of Papa's pie, and before you know it - he's claimed that treat as his own.
We can't deny a face like this a special treat every now and then.
Sunday, when the wind picked up, we headed outside to fly the kite we purchased last weekend.
Flying up high and rolling down. I'm not sure who liked it more - us or him.
When we tired of the kite, we retreated to our old favorite - marking up the driveway with sidewalk chalk.
Leaving love notes for each other - reminding us of our love until the rain comes and washes it all away.
But that's alright because we will be outside next weekend with more chalk and more love to give each other.
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