After Monday's blueberry picking adventure with Sophie, it was only fair that I spend some time with her little sister Chloe. So, on Tuesday, while Jen went to the office, Chloe came to hang here on Allison Drive.

Soon after Chloe arrived, I decided a photo session was in order. I dressed Lane in his new striped onesie, and Chloe in the dress I made for her.

I learned something about my son that day. Lane is a camera hog. He loves to pose for the camera. Perhaps that could be my fault?

Lane also has quite a personality. James and I love that he is developing into his own little self: he is funny, goofy and quite a happy guy - and chunky too.

Look at him lounging on Chloe.

I was really trying to get a good shot of Chloe's dress. I adore this fabric. She looks great in the colors. I wanted to profile the details so ya'all could see. Jen and I have been making these dresses like crazy and will soon be selling them.
Lane, however, seemed to hog every shot.

So, we moved to the floor to play.

They played well together UNTIL

Lane noticed I had the camera and was trying to take Chloe's picture.
Look Mama, I have my ball.

Hey Mama, don't you love my toes?

Finally, a shot of Chloe in the dress.
I think it is just precious.
(Jen also made a Fourth of July version with pockets for Sophie and Chloe.
And I spent a good portion of yesterday working on one made with Strawberry Shortcake fabric for a very special little girl who turns FIVE years old next week.)

The two played so hard they wore each other out. With Lane down in his crib, I stole a few shots of sweet little Chloe sleeping.
(Lane let her borrow his duckie blanket from Frances. That is how much he loves Chloe.)

Chloe woke before Lane. It was oh so sweet to have some alone time with this little girl. We played and giggled and cooed.
And I finally got my shot of Chloe and those baby blues.
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