Sure, there have been a few letters and some photos thrown in over the last few weeks.
Yet, I have been lacking.
Life moves so very fast these days. I try catching it on film. Mostly, I find myself just enjoying the moments.
Lane moves so fast these days. Literally, moves so fast. Rolling from belly to back - and back again. Rolling from one side of the room to the other - in just seconds. Bouncing, bouncing, bouncing all day long. Last week, I noticed him worm his way across a blanket. Crawling seems to be calling.
A tooth sprouted. Another just days away. Pools await us a few days a week. Lane loves the water. Food of all kind finds its way into his mouth - from mama and papa and Lane feeding himself now.
Posts on all of these activities, and more, to come soon. I spent a week soaking it all in for myself. Now, I am ready to share. So out comes the camera again.
Lane, it seems, is not the only thing sprouting up around here. Nightly visits to this year's garden provide veggies of all sorts for our enjoyment. Already, squash, peppers, cucumbers and beans. Soon, corn and tomatoes.
And just as Lane surprises me daily - a few surprises in the garden: baby boo pumpkins and eight ball squash growing from what we believed to be yellow squash plants, and a volunteer watermelon growing in last year's watermelon plot. (Now home to carrots.) Oh, and a small squash plant growing under the deck.
We believe Elly might have "planted" that one last year.

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