Each morning, Lane awakes between 6:30 - 7:30 am. Our first few moments together are spent playing and snuggling before heading downstairs for a breakfast of fruit - and just last week a little yogurt added too.
After breakfast, Lane plays in his highchair and listens to music while I do some morning chores: unloading the dishwasher, getting laundry started for the day, a morning Mom mom chat and cleaning up the breakfast dishes.
Before we know it, two hours pass, and Lane requires his morning nap.
A morning nap lasts between one and two hours. During this time, I do the mama rush: a shower, getting dressed, making the bed, and preparing for our day's adventure.
When Lake wakes, we head out. Our days are very busy now that my little man is fully aware of his surroundings.
Some days we hit the stores and run our chores. Usually, we will meet papa for lunch a few days a week.
Other days, we meet up with moms and friends from our mom's group for play time. This could be swimming at a neighborhood pool, going to a museum, having lunch at Chick-fil-A or McDonalds or many other things.
And some days, we just head over to hang with the Mush girls: Jen, Sophie and Chloe.
An afternoon nap usually takes place around 3 pm. Lane goes down, and I begin dinner preparation, most of the time. Sometimes, I steal some time for myself: reading, blogging or sewing (more on this to come in a later post).
When papa arrives home from work, Lane wakes and the fun begins. There is Papa and Who playtime, dinner, our nightly walk, visits to the garden and a tubbie.
After tub time, Lane and I head to his room for our nightly ritual. I dress Lane for bed, hold him tightly in my arms, nurse him down, kiss him good night and tell him just how much I love him.
Exhausted, I head to the bedroom to meet up with papa.
Sometimes, we snuggle.
Sometimes, we watch TV.
Sometimes, we do some more chores around the house.
Most of the time, our heads hit the pillows instantly.
The day ends. Lane is one day older.
And before I can blink my eye, the babe's coos come calling from his room.
And a new adventure begins.

We spent the morning craft shopping with the Mush girls and then met Paola and Andrea for lunch. (Try having an adult conversation when eating lunch with two six-and-a-half month olds, a five month old and a two-and-a-half year old.)
At home that afternoon, Lane and I needed some one-on-one. I pulled out the camera to capture him in action and to try to get some of those mama and babe hands-in-the-air photos I used to be able to easily capture.
Not any more. Lane moves quick. I have to be fast to keep up. And a shot of just the two of us - good luck!

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