Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Letter to my husband

Dear Husband,
Today is our four-year anniversary. Four years since we became husband and wife. I remember every thing about that day.

How everyone kept telling me you were so nervous. And I didn't believe them. So I peeked out the window while you were having your photo taken.

I didn't think you looked nervous. I thought you looked handsome - so very handsome.

But it was true. You were nervous. And I thought it was cute that you were nervous on our wedding day because I had never seen you nervous before. (And haven't since that day.)

But you were only nervous because you had a special surprise for me - the wedding band that matched my engagement ring. The ring I secretly wanted but told you not to buy because it was way too expensive. You bought it any way.

And that is the only secret/surprise you have ever kept from me because usually you give me my surprises as soon as you get them.

You are oh-so-good to me. Like the other day when you told me I was much too pretty to buy cheap make-up. So I indulged and bought the good stuff. And then I indulged a little more and bought the fancy lotion.

You didn't mind though.

That is just one of the things I love about you. Oh, there are millions of things I love about you. For instance, you love me for the good - and the goofy. And I am always being goofy.

What about Monday when I spent 10 minutes throwing a paint brush at the door to knock off that creepy bug. You laughed at me but I know you love it when I do things like that.

It makes you laugh.

We do love to laugh. Don't we? You make me laugh. Every. Single. Day.

We always seem to find the funny in every situation.

Whether it is the judge announcing us as "Mr. and Mrs. James Howard Drucker" or the hilarity in infertility. And now-a-days the humor in handling life with Lane.

Together we laugh.

James, I am so proud to be your wife. When I look into your eyes, I feel beautiful.
I feel safe.
I feel like every thing is good in this world.

I feel like I am right where I should be.

I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Jeez, Lana!! Way to make a person cry at work... : )
    Happy anniversary to you and James! May you enjoy many, many more together.

    Love you!
