Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Day at the Zoo

Guess where we went Friday?? Whootie's first trip to the zoo. Lanna and I had fun. Whootie was miserable. Silly teeth. Poor little guy just could not get comfy or happy. In between his yucky mood, we did see some pretty cool sights.

We watched the gorillas play with their babies for a long time.

My little monkey had a few moments of happiness.

We saw the little baby panda and learned that panda's will nurse their young for 22 months before sending them off to the wild. Hopefully, our little guy will be weaned long before 22 months - but he can stick around a little longer than that, if he wants.

There were these pretty little monkeys playing in a tree that was surrounded by beautiful oak leaf hydrangeas. (Papa and I love those oak leafs.)
Lanna totally freaked because she wasn't quite sure how those monkeys knew to stay in the tree. I pulled out the camera to take a few pics and when I turned around I couldn't find Lanna and Lane.

Lanna totally moved as far away as possible from the tree.

Lanna, remember that time we were getting our nails done in Midtown and that lady had her monkey there with her. Remember how it jumped over you onto me to get the magazine I was looking at? She had it dressed like a baby in a dress and diaper. And how it totally ruined your pedicure experience.

Finally, Whootie fell asleep. Poor little guy. He sure did look cute in his new stroller.
Lanna looked pretty too but she wouldn't let me take her picture.

Thank you for a fun day at the zoo, Lanna. You are the best Auntie a little Who could wish for.

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