Dear Baby,
Today our suspicions were confirmed. Today, the home pregnancy test gave us a positive result.
It is hard to believe that just 13 months ago we experienced this same thing. So much has changed in the last year - making it seem so long ago yet so short.
I want to be filled with joy right now. I want to tell everyone I know the good news. However, my joy is overshadowed by fear.
I know it must be normal to feel this way - to be scared that this pregnancy too will be taken from me. .... But I know that I have no control over this situation.
This whole process has been out of my hands. I was placed in this situation to grow and to learn - and boy have I. And, I will continue to no matter what happens.
Please understand that I am beyond words happy. I have wanted nothing more than this for two years. I have thought of you for the last year.
I want to only think of the two of us meeting in nine months - of holding you in my arms and watching you grow. I love you already.
I will continue to take care of myself - you do the same.
And, I will pray. I will pray that our time has finally come to become parents and that my body will work with you to provide a healthy environment for you to grow. As of today, only three people know of you: me, your papa and my mom. However, you already have so many people cheering for you and loving you.
Work with me little one. Let's make this work. I want nothing more than to be your mama. I promise I will work just as hard to take care of you as I did to create you.
Your mama

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