Saturday, Lane went to see his Auntie Lanna. He hasn't seen her in a bit because she has been busy planning a little something called The Dogwood Festival - you know, it is only like the biggest festival in Atlanta.
That is right, Auntie Lanna is very important - see all of her badges and radios.
We love Auntie Lanna for so many reasons. Here are just a few:
She is beautiful.
She is funny.
She is sooo super organized and is the only person we know who could handle something like -you know, planning The Dogwood Festival!
Before James, she did my taxes for me.
Lane, Lana and Lanna sound kind of alike - but all are different.
She has style, poise and grace.
Together, with mama, we can take out anyone in a roommate dance-off.
Oh, and there is once special reason why Lane loves his Auntie Lanna so much.
See below, Lane does not allow ANYONE to hold him like a baby - never has.
But, he allows his Auntie Lanna. (I can't tell you why. Lanna would kill me!)

After hanging with Lanna for a little while, we had to leave her so she could go to a meeting. So, we met up with Sarah, Sydney and Tim. The gang hung with Lane while I took Sydney to get some ice cream from outer space (Dip N Dots).

I got cookies and cream. Syd got rainbow ice. Isn't it pretty? Isn't Sydney pretty?

Then, we took off. Stef was child-free for the day, so she insisted on Bjorning Lane. Then, I insisted he be put back in his stroller because I freaked out about him getting sunburn.

So, we stopped. And, Lanna got out of her meeting and ran into us just in time to get her picture taken with the weirdo Ren Fes guy. These people totally freak out Lanna. I loved it!

While Lane was in his stroller, we continued on with Sydney taking turns on everyone's shoulders.

There was an abundance of beautiful art there but what was I most excited about - street food. Here is a picture to prove it.

We had a great time parked under a magnolia tree drinking lemonaide and chatting. Sydney had Sarah's camera and took some great posed and candid shots of everyone. Four and a half and already an artist. Her pics really were the best of the day. Maybe Sarah can send them to me.
By 4:30, the kids were exhausted so we all decided to head home. Here is by far the most important picture of the day: a photo of the street signs so we would know where we parked. Me and Stef might not be the best when it comes to directions - but at least we know it.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.
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