I slathered Lane with SPF 50 sunscreen (because I am a new mama and freak out about those kind of things), strapped him in to the Bjorn and then covered his head with his cute corduroy hat from his Grand Moms.
Stef made sure Drew had on shoes and a hat (because she is a pro at this by now).
Both boys looked adorable. And, I would like to think that the mamas look pretty cute too. Here we are with our boys.

and firetrucks and a police car to climb all over

Lane and I spent most of our time petting the pig.

All in all, we had a great time playing. Before we left, Lane fell asleep, and Stef took by far one of the funniest pictures of me ever.

I hope Lane takes this one off to college with him to show all of his friends.
P.S. Thank you to all of my good friends for the compliments on the blog and my words. I did very little writing when pregnant with Lane - probably because I was busy canning every piece of fruit and veggie I came in contact with - but have found that he is inspiring me to put words to "paper" again. So sometimes these posts might be a little "heavier" than other days. James goes to bed drawing surveys in his head. I go to bed forming sentences. It is the one things I like to think I am good at - oh, and I think I might be catching on to this mothering thing. I love all of you.
P.P.S. Tara, thank you for letting me know that it is OK to constantly call my child cute. With your blessing I will continue to do so.
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