Time moves too fast.
I can recall the evening this photo was taken.
Preparing for a trip to Savannah, my little baby bump growing every week, we snapped this photo.
I remember thinking
20 weeks down. 20 to go.
We were halfway through our pregnancy.
A few days later, for the first time, I would feel the child inside me move. A moment forever mine.
Sitting with two of my dearest friends, I felt the flurry of movement.
The recollection brings my hands to the exact spot on my body.
Amazed, I called to Stephanie, "I just felt him move."
In the following weeks, James would be able to feel our child's unprovoked movements.
In time, an evening game of wake the baby. James moving his hands across my mountain to provoke our child for some kicks and punches.
In the end, I would sit. James would stand above me. From outside the womb, we would watch his movements.
Moments that are forever ours.
I savor them. I recall them.
I label and store them so I won't ever forget what it felt like to carry our child and bring him into the world.

And now, 20 more weeks have passed.
20 weeks since I labored. And something greater than we can grasp delivered this son to our life.
I savor each moment. I recall memories from the last 20 weeks.
I label and store them so I won't ever forget what it feels like to show this child the world.
Just a few days from his fifth month, Lane amazes me.
My little baby growing every week.
Giggles and smiles. Hands stretched to caress my face. A head turned when he hears his papa's voice. Nibbles of sweet potato off my plate and into his mouth.
Time moves too fast.
I remind myself
20 weeks down. Thousands more to go.
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