Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Time moves too fast.
I can recall the evening this photo was taken.
Preparing for a trip to Savannah, my little baby bump growing every week, we snapped this photo.
I remember thinking
20 weeks down. 20 to go.
We were halfway through our pregnancy.
A few days later, for the first time, I would feel the child inside me move. A moment forever mine.
Sitting with two of my dearest friends, I felt the flurry of movement.
The recollection brings my hands to the exact spot on my body.
Amazed, I called to Stephanie, "I just felt him move."
In the following weeks, James would be able to feel our child's unprovoked movements.
In time, an evening game of wake the baby. James moving his hands across my mountain to provoke our child for some kicks and punches.
In the end, I would sit. James would stand above me. From outside the womb, we would watch his movements.
Moments that are forever ours.
I savor them. I recall them.
I label and store them so I won't ever forget what it felt like to carry our child and bring him into the world.

And now, 20 more weeks have passed.
20 weeks since I labored. And something greater than we can grasp delivered this son to our life.
I savor each moment. I recall memories from the last 20 weeks.
I label and store them so I won't ever forget what it feels like to show this child the world.
Just a few days from his fifth month, Lane amazes me.
My little baby growing every week.
Giggles and smiles. Hands stretched to caress my face. A head turned when he hears his papa's voice. Nibbles of sweet potato off my plate and into his mouth.
Time moves too fast.
I remind myself
20 weeks down. Thousands more to go.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday morning meeting
Sunday, April 19, 2009
A Day at the Dogwood Festival

That is right, Auntie Lanna is very important - see all of her badges and radios.
We love Auntie Lanna for so many reasons. Here are just a few:
She is beautiful.
She is funny.
She is sooo super organized and is the only person we know who could handle something like -you know, planning The Dogwood Festival!
Before James, she did my taxes for me.
Lane, Lana and Lanna sound kind of alike - but all are different.
She has style, poise and grace.
Together, with mama, we can take out anyone in a roommate dance-off.
Oh, and there is once special reason why Lane loves his Auntie Lanna so much.
See below, Lane does not allow ANYONE to hold him like a baby - never has.
But, he allows his Auntie Lanna. (I can't tell you why. Lanna would kill me!)

By 4:30, the kids were exhausted so we all decided to head home. Here is by far the most important picture of the day: a photo of the street signs so we would know where we parked. Me and Stef might not be the best when it comes to directions - but at least we know it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
A sew-sew week

The weather - sunny one day, snow the next, warm one day, windy the next.
We were inside a lot.

His temperature - normal one day, high the next.
We spent a lot of time snuggling a sick little boy, sleeping off a fever, and playing when we felt well enough.

With Lane wanting - and needing - little bits of time to himself to play this week, I found myself with something I have not had much of since his birth - a little bit of time to myself to play this week.

As Lane play with his bugs, I pulled the sewing machine up from the basement and began working on a "practice blanket."

I have high hopes of presenting Lane on his first birthday with a baby blanket made from pieces of the clothes he wears during the first year of his life.
With some fabric scraps and the pattern for the blanket by my side, I started to stitch - and sing to my little man when necessary.
It is a work in progress but with a little time to play each week I think we will have a nice blanket to take to the park with us - when the sun starts to shine again.
Until then, a little time to ourselves sure did make this so-so week just a little bit nicer.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Farm Fresh Eggs

I slathered Lane with SPF 50 sunscreen (because I am a new mama and freak out about those kind of things), strapped him in to the Bjorn and then covered his head with his cute corduroy hat from his Grand Moms.
Stef made sure Drew had on shoes and a hat (because she is a pro at this by now).
Both boys looked adorable. And, I would like to think that the mamas look pretty cute too. Here we are with our boys.

and firetrucks and a police car to climb all over

Lane and I spent most of our time petting the pig.

All in all, we had a great time playing. Before we left, Lane fell asleep, and Stef took by far one of the funniest pictures of me ever.

I hope Lane takes this one off to college with him to show all of his friends.
P.S. Thank you to all of my good friends for the compliments on the blog and my words. I did very little writing when pregnant with Lane - probably because I was busy canning every piece of fruit and veggie I came in contact with - but have found that he is inspiring me to put words to "paper" again. So sometimes these posts might be a little "heavier" than other days. James goes to bed drawing surveys in his head. I go to bed forming sentences. It is the one things I like to think I am good at - oh, and I think I might be catching on to this mothering thing. I love all of you.
P.P.S. Tara, thank you for letting me know that it is OK to constantly call my child cute. With your blessing I will continue to do so.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
When Peter Gives You Lemons

Last month, my dad's best friend Peter joined him for a few weeks as the two trucked their way across the United States.
Pete and dad have seen our country's highways together many times but this was the first trip they had taken together in many years. When they reached San Diego, dad spent a night at Pete and his wife's, The Wonderful Nancy, (Yes, that is her official name) home.
Pete picked fresh lemons and oranges from the trees growing in his back yard and sent dad home with a big bag full.
The fruit sat at Specialize for a few weeks when I arrived to snatch up the last few pieces and take them home.
We have enjoyed eating the oranges for late night snacks and putting slices of lemon in our sweet tea. I even made some tangy iced lemon cookies that were so good James and I didn't share them with anyone.
Last week, Lane started using his hands to grab objects - and immediately place them in his mouth. We got a great kick out of this and began actually using his toys. One night, as we ate dinner, I grabbed one of the two remaining lemons off of my homemade centerpiece and placed it on the tray of Lane's new walker.
He loved it. The bright yellow color instantly caught his eye. The size is just right for his little hands. The hard rind must feel great against his gums.
This morning, another member of our home got to enjoy the lemons. As Lane play with one, his little hand bumped it off the tray. The shorthair immediately snatched it up and took it outside.
Now, we are down to one lemon.
So Pete, I hope you are reading this and that there are still some lemons on those trees. Dad is heading out that way next week. We need some more lemons.
We love you Peter and Nancy. We look forward to our next adventure. And my son has heard all about what it is like to take a trip with his Pops and his Uncle Peter - he can't wait.

Friday, April 3, 2009
Words written
in my journal one year ago today, April 3, 2008
Dear Baby,
Today our suspicions were confirmed. Today, the home pregnancy test gave us a positive result.
It is hard to believe that just 13 months ago we experienced this same thing. So much has changed in the last year - making it seem so long ago yet so short.
I want to be filled with joy right now. I want to tell everyone I know the good news. However, my joy is overshadowed by fear.
I know it must be normal to feel this way - to be scared that this pregnancy too will be taken from me. .... But I know that I have no control over this situation.
This whole process has been out of my hands. I was placed in this situation to grow and to learn - and boy have I. And, I will continue to no matter what happens.
Please understand that I am beyond words happy. I have wanted nothing more than this for two years. I have thought of you for the last year.
I want to only think of the two of us meeting in nine months - of holding you in my arms and watching you grow. I love you already.
I will continue to take care of myself - you do the same.
And, I will pray. I will pray that our time has finally come to become parents and that my body will work with you to provide a healthy environment for you to grow. As of today, only three people know of you: me, your papa and my mom. However, you already have so many people cheering for you and loving you.
Work with me little one. Let's make this work. I want nothing more than to be your mama. I promise I will work just as hard to take care of you as I did to create you.
Your mama
Photo taken by Kristie Andraschko of Turning Leaf Designs
Dear Baby,
Today our suspicions were confirmed. Today, the home pregnancy test gave us a positive result.
It is hard to believe that just 13 months ago we experienced this same thing. So much has changed in the last year - making it seem so long ago yet so short.
I want to be filled with joy right now. I want to tell everyone I know the good news. However, my joy is overshadowed by fear.
I know it must be normal to feel this way - to be scared that this pregnancy too will be taken from me. .... But I know that I have no control over this situation.
This whole process has been out of my hands. I was placed in this situation to grow and to learn - and boy have I. And, I will continue to no matter what happens.
Please understand that I am beyond words happy. I have wanted nothing more than this for two years. I have thought of you for the last year.
I want to only think of the two of us meeting in nine months - of holding you in my arms and watching you grow. I love you already.
I will continue to take care of myself - you do the same.
And, I will pray. I will pray that our time has finally come to become parents and that my body will work with you to provide a healthy environment for you to grow. As of today, only three people know of you: me, your papa and my mom. However, you already have so many people cheering for you and loving you.
Work with me little one. Let's make this work. I want nothing more than to be your mama. I promise I will work just as hard to take care of you as I did to create you.
Your mama

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Baby Thoughts

Auntie Stef called last night with the good news.
It won't be long until you have some chubby little cheeks and a big old baby smile of your own.
I am so excited. Maybe your baby will be a boy, and we can room together at Georgia Southern - like you and my mama did.
Or, maybe it will be a girl, and when we grow up we can give each other smooches. Because I know she will be beautiful.
(I knew rubbing my big old baby belly was good luck!)
I love you,
Lane Thomas
P.S. I just know your baby is going to be just as cute as I am. Don't you think I am cute?

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