Tuesday, November 22, 2011

In the Garden.

We've found a new place to go when our backyard is too small, all our usual go-to-places don't seem exciting enough, and we are all up for a little trip in to the city for an afternoon.

I didn't think the Botanical Gardens would have much to offer for a toddler and a babe, but I was wrong. It might just be the perfect place to take my outdoor loving boys. There's plenty of space to run. Lots of nature to be discovered. A playground made just for little hands and feet. Most of all, so much beauty for mama to take in.

We met up with our bestie on a perfect Fall day and let the kids play for hours. What's different about the Gardens than the Zoo? Well, for one, you can actually play (and eat some of) the items on display.

Andrea and Lane were quite proud of the purple pansies they picked.

All three of the kids enjoyed playing with the giant leaves we found lying around.

Before we left, Lane had one thing on his mind. Giant bullfrogs. Well, once he saw his bestfriend and all that room to play, bullfrogs became second best. (Good thing, too. Bullfrogs must hibernate in the Fall. We didn't see a single frog in a pond.)

We did find a sweet little edible garden area where the kids could climb on farm animals and go in and out of a barn door. Big hit.

Even better - the children's garden: complete with a slide, tunnels for running and cool instruments for drumming.

However, the winner for the day had to be the train on display for the holidays. When Lane saw the train, his eyes grew three times their normal size and he became mesmerized.

My boy stood in one spot and stared in amazement at the little city - complete with ice skaters, a little general store, bridges, multiple trains and so much more.

I couldn't pull him away. I made a promise that after we ate our lunch and completed our tour of the grounds, we could return.

He held me to that promise. On our way out, we watched the trains again.

When little brother grew bored with the tracks, he found a puddle to play in and some other guests to smile at and flirt with. He's easily entertained.

Saying good bye to the Gardens wasn't easy. That's why we asked Papa for a season pass. Now, the boys and I can go whenever we want. And we can get some guests in with us!

Any time any one wants to take a trip in to the city, let us know. We would love to have you take advantage of the pass we purchased - and enjoy an afternoon with us.

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