It does a body, and a mind, good.
I love this weather. And, finally, I can say that Fall is my favorite season.
I always wanted this time of the year to be my favorite. There's so many reasons why I love it: the weather, the colors, birthdays, fires, warm sweaters, and all the food.
Yet, it never seemed to work for me. There were always certain triggers that set my mind to sadness. Anniversaries of tragedies and deaths. Anniversaries of a failed marriage and divorce. Eventually, all the sadness, combined with the early setting sun, would get me down and I'd feel that way for weeks.
A few weeks ago, I realized my boys changed all of that.
This is when my boys grew big in my belly. This is when I spent lazy days nesting in my home - getting it ready for a baby. When I'd find my way to the couch to enjoy some time with my growing belly and the baby I'd waited on for so long. Have I mentioned how much I loved carrying Lane.
This is when I prepared Lane for his brother. When I learned to embrace the idea that I would have two. When I would hold my baby close and feel his brother kick from inside.
This is the time of the year that my life changed - twice - and brought so much happiness. Much more than I ever could have imagined.
November will always remind me of that.
These babies of mine are growing so quickly. I can't get over it. I've loved watching them these last few weeks - entertaining each other, playing with each other, growing.
I can't get enough of their little bodies surrounded by the falling leaves and fall colors.
Last week, James left work early and we took them to Red Top Mountain.
Lane's got such a strong willed, smart little mind working in there.
As soon as he saw the lake, he wanted in.
There was only one thing to do. Let him take off his clothes and feel what the water feels like in Fall.
Recently, a friend of James' suggested he find one beautiful moment each day - and then verbally recognize it and grasp it for just a minute.
I've been trying to do the same.
These boys, right now, make that so easy.
This month, during this time to recognize all we have and all we are grateful for, I, as always, am thankful for them - my boys, all three of them.
They changed my life. They made me a mama.
They allowed me to see just how beautiful my life truly is - and always will be.
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