The bright blue bottle with the unique shape stood out from the others in the bubble aisle, and we got sucked in by the marketing just as Crayola wants.
I payed twice as much as I would have for a normal bottle of bubbles but it is summer and you are only two (and 34) once, so why not.
We waited until Evan's morning nap and then headed outside with the bubble machine for some fun.

Boy did we have fun. We blew bubbles for nearly an hour.
And when we were done, my child and my back deck was a big blue mess.

Be sureto pick up some colored bubbles this summer. Then be prepared for your child to be a big mess - and for your husband to ban you from bubble blowing on the back deck.
We banned the color bubbles from our house, there awful. But LOL they r the gift I give certain individuals I cant stand.