Friday, June 24, 2011

Our Goo Goo Doll.

If there's one thing I've learned since becoming a mama, it is the fact that time moves so very quickly when children are involved. However, every 30-something days, I am totally shocked that another month has passed, and my children are yet another month older.

June marked a special occasion here on Allison Drive - Lane's two-and-a-half birthday and Evan's half birthday.

While it feels as if Evan has been here forever, I can't believe it has already been half a year since I first held him in my arms.

If you've had the pleasure of spending time with our babe then you know the pictures I post on this blog don't lie. He really is this happy.

He greets everyone with a smile and loves to flirt with anyone who will flirt back with him.

He's our laid back little man. I think the best way to describe Evan would be to say he's curious and content at the same time.

He can now sit up on his own - giving him a chance to play by himself or happily watch his brother play. (Or snatch up one of brother's Monster Jams while he isn't looking.)

He's got great control of those chubby little hands, which we find constantly reaching on the table to grab some food or into anything else that might have something else he can grab.

Countless times a day, I fill up that blue bucket with baby safe toys. And, countless times a day, he dumps the bucket over to pick up a ball, chew on his papa's Sophie or stare at himself in his lady bug. Sometimes, the blue bucket becomes the toy of choice as he grabs a handle and swings it around his chunky body.

At yesterday's well visit, the doctor remarked at how well he's done developmentally and told us he's right on track - with a nine-month old.

That sounds about right considering that's what size clothing he's wearing these days. Because, chunky is the right word to describe Evan.

Weighing in a 19 pounds and a few odd ounces, he's decided to eat like a nine month old too and give pureed foods the boot.

He's our little food stalker. If there's food on a plate and one of his family members is eating it then he wants it too.

And will stare you down until you figure out a way to serve him a little of what you've got.

I try to enforce a no teeth - no foods that can choke my precious babe rule around here.

So, we stick to soft foods from our plates, including sweet potato casserole, gravy from chicken and dumplings, mashed potatoes, roasted squash, little bits of smashed green beans, some soft bread and pieces of biscuit - to name a few of the foods he's enjoyed from our plates.

He also added yogurt to his diet this month. Would it shock you if I told you he loves it?

Obviously, eating is one of his favorite pastimes.

Coming in right before tub time. He still loves to take a bath each night. Only, now we've kicked papa out of the equation, and he chills bath side with his big brother.

Since he can now sit up, he happily splashes and kicks in the little blue baby tub we used once for Lane while his brother takes up the rest of the space in the downstairs tub.

The two sit facing one another, and Evan giggles and smiles as he watches Lane move toys around and make a mess with the water. If he's lucky enough to get splashed in the face, tub time becomes even more fun.

The whole thing is just too cute for words - and I want to wrap up each of my boys like burritos and eat them.

That's how much I love them.

With so much playing, exploring and eating during the day, my boy gets a good amount of sleep at night.

He still prefers a 7:45 pm bed time. Just give him a little time to nurse, his duck to snuggle, a nice comfy bed and he's out. First, he rolls on to his belly, places his duck blanket close to his body and then it is off to dreamland.

In the last month, he's given us a few all nighters, sleeping for 11 hours uninterrupted. However, most nights he wakes after 7 hours for a few minutes to nurse and then goes right back to sleep until morning.

I know with a little persistence and the knowledge that his belly is full, I could let him cry it out and have him on an all night schedule. But, I can't. Just not yet.

So, for now, I cherish our time in the middle of the night - feeling his little body pressed against mine and listening to his sweet breathes.

As papa described our lovely little boy the other night as I snapped this picture of all his rolls, he's like one of those little angel babies - a cherub.

Yes, he is.

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