James and I have become pretty good at recognizing the signs indicating Lane might need some one-on-one mama/papa time.
Last week, he needed it.
Coming off his nasty cold. Getting rid of the pacifier. Having trouble napping without the pacifier. Evan being much more alert and requiring a different kind of attention.
So, we took him out.
To the Kennesaw State ballgame.

We bought him some popcorn.

And a hot dog.

Let him drink a little Coca-Cola.

And hang out with his mama and papa while watching his very favorite sport - baseball.
When he got a little bored, he made some "calls."

Then, he found some older kids playing a game of touch football - and barged his two-year-old self right in to that game.

He didn't seem to mind that the older kids weren't including him in the game. He didn't even really notice that he had his own ball.
He'd throw as far as he could. Run. Clap his hands. And look to us for approval.

He thought it was great when their game would collide with his private game. He'd get right in on the action - or so he thought.

When the big kids headed back to the baseball field, he didn't let that stop his fun.
That's when he taught himself how to slide.

All of us kicked it old school for a while - just the three of us.
It was a pretty cool night hanging with two of my three favorite guys.

Know what was even cooler?
Hearing Lane ask, "Hey, where's my brudder?"
I think the little guy is beginning to grow on him.
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