Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Five months.

This sweet babe is five months old already. I can't quite grasp how quickly time moves with two boys in my life.

At five months old, Evan is pure joy. A chunky (very chunky) look alike of his older brother. However, he's got a personality all his own.

We still continue to take our evening tubs with Papa and Lane. And it is something we look forward to each night. Evan will kick, splash and smile while in the water. And, if he's lucky enough that his brother decides to join him - well, that's just icing on the cake.

After bath, we all jump in mama and papa's bed for some snuggle and play time. Then, it is off to bed. Evan decided to hit the sack a little earlier and prefers (when we can get him there on time) to be in bed by 8 pm.

My peaceful sleeper threw a few curve balls at me this last month but that's OK. We've moved bed time a little earlier - meaning I might have to get up twice a night to feed him - and we've gotten rid of the swaddle. So, we've had a few rough nights. However, for the most part, Evan will still give me a good five or six hours of solid sleep, wake to nurse, go back to sleep and sleep until morning.

Really, I just can't be upset with a baby this cute. Look, he's got rolls and rolls of gooey goodness to love on.

The fingers continue to find their way into his mouth - constantly. I suspect teeth might be just around the corner.

He's mastered rolling from his belly to his back - and will even roll from his back to his belly. He sits up with support and can even sit on his own for a few seconds.

Eating solids seems to be one of the best parts of this guys' short life. He loves food. Not that we are surprised. In addition to sweet potatoes, he's added bananas, prunes and pears to his diet. Digging on the bananas. Tolerates the prunes (mixed with some rice cereal). Not in to the pears at all.

I plan to add peaches, butternut squash and whatever good fresh fruits and veggies I can find at the farmer's market in to his diet this month.

He's still got that laid back personality he was born with. However, he has literally found his voice in the last month. I love to hear him coo and awe and blow those sweet baby bubbles and raspberries.

He's also got this funny little yell he will let out when he needs some attention. He starts out kind of weak - as if he forgets each time how to make his vocal cords work - but by the third or fourth yell, he's got it down.

Papa and I figure he must have caught on that the best way to get some attention around here is to make yourself known.

I can't quite believe it has been five months since we brought this baby boy home from the hospital.

On the other hand, Evan has carved out his own little place in our home and most days, I can't quite remember what it was like to mama just one boy.

Time really does pass in the blink of an eye.

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