See that Minnie Mouse in Lane's lap? That's Girl. Well, her full name is Chucky Cheese Girl.
We call her Girl, for short.
Let me tell you a little about Girl. She came to live with us a little more than a month ago. After an over night growth spurt, I needed some size six month pajamas for Evan, so off we headed to Wally World on a Friday night.
Now, remember yesterday when I told you Lane thought a little plastic bunny was the Easter Bunny? There's a reason for that. Papa and I just aren't big into characters and cartoons. It's not that we have anything against those types of things, they just aren't our type of things. So, we don't have much of that type of stuff in our house.
We keep our cartoon watching to Curious George, Sesame Street and The Berenstain Bears. We keep our toy purchases to cars, monster trucks and tools. Lane's never known any differently - and he's never asked.
Until he went to Chucky Cheese. He loves Chucky Cheese. And, we happily send him there with his grandparents about once a month. He comes home with tales of Chucky. Chucky cups. Chucky balloons.
It was only a matter of time until he wanted a Chucky toy. And, last month, it happened. There, in the infant section of Wal-Mart, Lane saw that Chucky Cheese Girl.
It was love at first sight.
He carried that Chucky Cheese Girl all through the store. He touched her hair bow. Pointed out her pink shoes. Talked about her circles on her dress.
When we went through the check out line, Papa asked Lane to put his girl back.
Not a chance. Girl was coming home with us.
It was late. We were tired. I suggested Papa just pay for Girl, and I would return her at a later date.
All the way home, Lane talked to Girl. He even told Papa she was his best friend.
That night, I tucked Minnie back into the Wal-Mart bag and placed her in a safe place so she could return home.
The next day, Lane asked, "Where's my Chucky Cheese girl."
Her tags stayed on for a few days until I realized Girl wasn't going any where. She'd found herself a new home.
And so, Girl has become Lane's new best friend. He sleeps with her at night. He carries her to the store. He asks for her when he's tired. He'll tell you she's his best friend.
He has no idea her name is Minnie Mouse.
We have no desire to tell him otherwise.
As for me, Girl's starting to grow on me. I'm not thrilled with the fact that Lane's pushed his old blue owl aside for Girl.
But, as Papa reminded me one afternoon when Lane insisted both Girl and I rest in his bed with him, she might be the first girl he brings home that I don't like but she definitely won't be the last.
LOL Drew had Daisy (Daisy Duck)
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