Meaning a boy who doesn't sleep well at night, whines most of the day, carries around a hacking cough every where he goes, refuses to agree on anything and clings to his mama or papa constantly.
And when the preschool ick finds its way to the baby in the house, it transforms into RSV.
Meaning a baby who wants to nurse all day long, has coughing attacks followed by projectile vomiting, cries because he just doesn't feel well and clings to his mama constantly.
And when the mama is the only one feeling well because papa picked up the preschool ick as well it means a lot of things.
There hasn't been a home cooked meal in almost two weeks. I haven't exercised in just as long. Time to myself is limited. I'm exhausted - mentally and physically.
Most of all I feel sad for my babes.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that spring brings a lot of sunshine to our home and two boys who finally feel better.
And reminding myself that before you can see a rainbow, you must endure the rain.
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