Monday, April 25, 2011

Four months of Gooey Goodness.

Oh Evan Gooey, why do you have to do it. Just listen to me when I beg and plead for you to stay my teeny tiny newborn. I might be upset at the fact that you've outgrown that innocent newborn stage and have moved in to that wide awake baby stage. However, your just so sweet and seeing you grow is just too much fun.

So, I forgive you.

How could I hold anything against a boy with a face this sweet?

At four months old, your awake. Wide awake. Your favorite activity is getting those fingers of yours in to your mouth. And that's how you spend most of your day.

Unless your on your tummy. Then, your usually making this face because tummy time is not your favorite time.

Your two favorite toys are your ladybug and your Exersaucer, where your bounce around, spin the rolling thing and watch the world around you.

And you do a lot of watching - watching your brother that is. I'd like to give you more tummy time and time to lie on the floor and play with your swat toys, but that's hard to do when you've got Lane as an older brother.

He seems to always find his way over to you whenever your left alone.

He loves to pull away the hang down parts of your swat toy and steal your lady bug from you.

He'd much rather you watch him play with his Monster Jams.

And you do.

By now, your used to him stealing the spotlight. It happens a lot around here.

Occasionally, he will make you cry but it takes a lot. You've got plenty of patience with your brother, mama and papa.

We are awful sorry you caught that nasty cold bug AGAIN. Only four months old and you've spent more than three weeks of your life feeling quite crummy.

But, even when your sick, you are a joy to be around.

For that we are grateful.

You seem to understand that we've got a lot going on. Your personality proves so.

Your still that same laid back babe you've been since we brought home.

You wake up with a smile. Easily take your morning nap in the car while I shuffle your brother around and run errands. Your up for just about anything. And will hang with just about any one.

However, you like to have your mama close by - and I like being there.

We take our alone time together at night, when I put you to bed. Your still sleeping in your crib, and will give me a good six hours of sleep before waking up to nurse. When your done with your 3 am snack, you'll fall back to sleep for at least four more hours.

Even though I need the sleep, sometimes I hold you for a few minutes and stare at your face.

Papa was correct. All that time I spent worrying about how I would love two boys was time spent wasted.

It seems I've fallen madly in love with you.

Your now weighing in at 15 pounds, 11 ounces - proving our theory that your gaining in girth what you lack in age.

You need it to protect yourself from your brother.

Daily, I hear things coming from your brother's mouth, such as, "I tip Bro Bro over," or "I hurt Evan."

And I've already mentioned the toy snatching.

Lane makes you cry but I know you love him. You just can't keep your eyes off of him. Although I don't want you to grow up, I am looking forward to the day the two of you can play together.

Even if that means you won't be my baby any more.

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