Is anyone still reading? If so, guess what. I got a card reader so I can finally download some pictures.
Let's play catch up.
Did I mention Evan caught Lane's preschool ick - and came down with a good case of RSV. Oh, I didn't. Well, he did. That's pretty much consumed our life for the last two weeks.
Like a good brother, Lane spent plenty of time taking care of Evan.
Whether Evan wanted him to or not.

And that is pretty much the face he makes whenever Lane comes any where near. Now, he can hear and see him coming.

Speaking of faces, this one is chunky. And I love it. Really, everyone should have a babe with chubby cheeks. I've had two. And I've spent lots of time kissing those fabulous cheeks.

We've got a smile. He's feeling better and flashing us his toothless grin. Loving it.

Just when I think Evan's starting to sport his own looks and resemble his brother less and less, he flashes me one of these, which is classic Lane.
Or should I say classic Lane and Evan.
(Photo on top is Evan. Photo of babe in blue is Lane.)

Does anyone have any idea how Lane got so big in such a short amount of time.

Let me just say it one more time, this babe is chunky. I like him that way.
By the way, I love Evan THIS much. Just ask him how much I love him. He'll tell you.

There's that look again. The flash of blue and brown in the left corner is Lane. Watch out Evan.

We went to Monster Jam. It was awesome and deserves a post of its own.
More to come.

We celebrated Valentine's Day. The short hair's Valentine, Marley, has been on an extended stay at her Mamaw's house.
Look's like Elly found a replacement. Poor thing.
We didn't do much that day. See above picture mentioning RSV.
I think I cooked dinner. Or, maybe not.

Um, yeah he does.

We had a few nice days lately. Thank goodness. We needed out of the house. I have to beg this kid to wear a jacket when the temperature requires one. Sun shining and he insists on wearing his gloves.
Go figure.

We've been doing a lot to pass the time while stuck inside. Like taking baths in the middle of the day. Or, in the morning.

Evan doesn't mind staring at Lane's Valentine balloons.
And that pretty much sums up our last two weeks.

Kiss on those cheeks, suckers. I know you want to . You can bet I will be.
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