Evan's been here for a little more than nine weeks, and I'm totally smitten with him. As is most every one who meets him.
He's a laid back, go-with-the-flow kind of guy who will sleep just about any where and is happy to snuggle up against any one who's got a few minutes to hold him and warm arms to wrap around him.
He's started to give us a little more awake time - staying alert for two to three hour spans, during which he likes to show off that smile, charm us with his flirty face and let off some coos. Since we brought out the bug play mat, he has added that to his list of favorite awake time activities.
While we enjoy watching him play and playing with him, he still ranks nursing as his all time favorite thing to do. He's got a healthy appetite - and it shows. At last week's two month well visit, he weighed in at 12.5 pounds - putting his older brother, who didn't weight that much until his four month visit, to shame.
A growing boy like that finally earned himself a nickname. Meet Evan Gooey. It started out as Papa and I calling our babe Evan Rooney, which Lane quickly caught on to. Only his version comes out as Evan Gooey. And it stuck.
Odd you might think. However, I like to think of it this way. When I think of gooey, I think of chocolate goodness. Maybe filled with marshmallow or caramel. Something filled with way too many calories to count. Something so sweet and good you just want to devour it.
That's how I feel about my pudgy babe. So, Evan Gooey it is. Our Goo Bird.
And this bird likes to eat.
All that nursing sure works, he's growing like a champ and sleeping like a charm. Since his brother moved in to his big boy room last week, and Evan moved in to the nursery across the hall from mama and papa's room, he's been giving us 9 to 10 hours of sleep each night. After an evening bubble tubbie with his papa and big brother and a little before-bed snack, he goes down around 9 pm, sleeps until 4 am, wakes to nurse, goes right back down, and sleeps until 7:30 am when the rest of the house rises to Lane's calls.
There's still some nights when he will wake twice to eat, and that's just fine with me. I can't complain about a babe who sleeps so well. And to be quite honest, I love snuggling with him and the middle of the night seems to be one of the few quiet moments we get alone together.
While there is still a little bit of envy coming from his older brother, for the most part, Lane's taken to Evan and loves him just as much as the rest of the family. One of my favorite moments between the two of them occurred last week when Lane, armed with his football, came to Evan, who was in my arms, and asked, "Want to play football, brother. OK. Let's play."
My heart fluttered, as I reminded Lane - and myself - that soon enough Evan will be big enough to play football with him.
Sure, each day has its one big hectic moment as we learn to live with two boys just two years and two weeks apart.
At least once a day, both boys will start to cry at the same time - causing my head to spin. Or I'll find myself covered in Evan poo, or find Lane covered in his own poo as we continue to potty train, and I'll ask myself what I got in to.
Then, I'll hear those words come from Lane's mouth, "Want to play football, brother," and I'm reminded of just how lucky I am to have these two babes.
It wasn't too long ago that motherhood seemed out of arms reach. And I can't believe that two years have passed since I held an Evan size Lane in my arms. Sooner than I like to admit, Evan will be running outside to play football with Lane, and I'll be left without a babe to snuggle in my arms.
So I end each day the same way - with a reminder to these two boys that they are the best thing that has every happened to this mama.
They sure are.
And yes, Evan is just that cute. Plain and simple.
He's a laid back, go-with-the-flow kind of guy who will sleep just about any where and is happy to snuggle up against any one who's got a few minutes to hold him and warm arms to wrap around him.
He's started to give us a little more awake time - staying alert for two to three hour spans, during which he likes to show off that smile, charm us with his flirty face and let off some coos. Since we brought out the bug play mat, he has added that to his list of favorite awake time activities.
While we enjoy watching him play and playing with him, he still ranks nursing as his all time favorite thing to do. He's got a healthy appetite - and it shows. At last week's two month well visit, he weighed in at 12.5 pounds - putting his older brother, who didn't weight that much until his four month visit, to shame.
A growing boy like that finally earned himself a nickname. Meet Evan Gooey. It started out as Papa and I calling our babe Evan Rooney, which Lane quickly caught on to. Only his version comes out as Evan Gooey. And it stuck.
Odd you might think. However, I like to think of it this way. When I think of gooey, I think of chocolate goodness. Maybe filled with marshmallow or caramel. Something filled with way too many calories to count. Something so sweet and good you just want to devour it.
That's how I feel about my pudgy babe. So, Evan Gooey it is. Our Goo Bird.
And this bird likes to eat.
All that nursing sure works, he's growing like a champ and sleeping like a charm. Since his brother moved in to his big boy room last week, and Evan moved in to the nursery across the hall from mama and papa's room, he's been giving us 9 to 10 hours of sleep each night. After an evening bubble tubbie with his papa and big brother and a little before-bed snack, he goes down around 9 pm, sleeps until 4 am, wakes to nurse, goes right back down, and sleeps until 7:30 am when the rest of the house rises to Lane's calls.
There's still some nights when he will wake twice to eat, and that's just fine with me. I can't complain about a babe who sleeps so well. And to be quite honest, I love snuggling with him and the middle of the night seems to be one of the few quiet moments we get alone together.
While there is still a little bit of envy coming from his older brother, for the most part, Lane's taken to Evan and loves him just as much as the rest of the family. One of my favorite moments between the two of them occurred last week when Lane, armed with his football, came to Evan, who was in my arms, and asked, "Want to play football, brother. OK. Let's play."
My heart fluttered, as I reminded Lane - and myself - that soon enough Evan will be big enough to play football with him.
Sure, each day has its one big hectic moment as we learn to live with two boys just two years and two weeks apart.
At least once a day, both boys will start to cry at the same time - causing my head to spin. Or I'll find myself covered in Evan poo, or find Lane covered in his own poo as we continue to potty train, and I'll ask myself what I got in to.
Then, I'll hear those words come from Lane's mouth, "Want to play football, brother," and I'm reminded of just how lucky I am to have these two babes.
It wasn't too long ago that motherhood seemed out of arms reach. And I can't believe that two years have passed since I held an Evan size Lane in my arms. Sooner than I like to admit, Evan will be running outside to play football with Lane, and I'll be left without a babe to snuggle in my arms.
So I end each day the same way - with a reminder to these two boys that they are the best thing that has every happened to this mama.
They sure are.
And yes, Evan is just that cute. Plain and simple.