"A deer," I asked him. "No baby, that's just the neighbor's dog." Wrong.
He was right. There in our side yard was a big deer watching Lane and Elly Mae as they watched him.

"You are right, babe. That is a deer," I told him.
That's when the excitement began. We watched that deer for a few minutes as he hung out in our yard. Lane giggled with excitement. The short hair whined with desire to get outside and get that deer.
We followed him to the front yard, where we spotted two more deer.

We watched as they crossed our yard into the driveway until we couldn't find a window in our house that gave us a view of our friends any more.
"Let's go tell papa what we saw Lane," I told him, as to keep him from crying now that the deer were out of sight.
Up the stairs he went as fast as his little body would take him.
"Deer papa," he yelled. "I saw deer, papa. Three deer."
And we've been talking about those deer all day long.
What a precious moment.... thanks for sharing. :)