I guess I didn't do much posting last week.
It's hard to explain how I'm feeling right now.
My best attempt is to say that time is moving very quickly while I spend my days (quite literally) moving very slow.
One step at a time with my big boy by my side.
At 37 weeks, I'm running out of room for our newest babe and running low on energy.
I feel the need to get things accomplished. At the same time, my body reminds me to take it easy and rest. My heart tells me to spend as much one-on-one time with Lane as possible.
So, that's what I have done. I've learned to go to bed with dishes in the sink, cars on the floor and clean laundry in a basket waiting to be folded and put away.
Eventually, everything gets done.
For now, I've got just a few more weeks to enjoy life with just Lane.
Last week, we read books. Snuggled in bed. Played cars. Visited with friends. Talked a lot about what the future holds for our family.
And at times, took baby steps in preparation for our newest family member.
This time, I know that all a baby needs upon his arrival home is a few warm pieces of clothing, a small spot to sleep, plenty of time to nurse and an abundance of love.
I know we can provide all of that for him.
The rest will come when the time is right.
Even his name.
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