Monday, August 9, 2010

He's (I'm) going to do just fine

I'm feeling much better - and much more secure - about this whole second baby, big brother situation.

Thanks to many of you - your reassuring words that you felt this way too and that all will work itself out in time with the two babes - and to two other babes who stopped by last week, my insecurities seem to be a lot less.

On Thursday, Laura brought 12-week old Teddy over to hang for a little while. I loved catching up with Laura and watching her with her babe.

Lane was such a little gentleman to Teddy. Showing us his baby seat and lightly touching his toes and knees.

Although it has only been a short while since Lane was a wee one, I quickly forgot the newborn ways.

Teddy got a little tired - and a little grumpy.

He needed his mama to help him to sleep.

Lane thought George would do the trick.

While Laura was loving on Teddy, Lane quietly went to his playroom and retrieved George for Teddy.

He's going to make a fine big brother.

And, I'm going to be fine too. Papa says I'll look back on all this worrying and laugh that I wasted so much time and energy on it. I think he is right.

I've realized I'm not taking anything away from Lane. I'm actually giving him a really great gift.

A little brother. A best friend. (And, I'm sure a sometimes worst enemy as well!)

My blond headed boy helped show me the way without even knowing it.

Drew stopped back by Friday afternoon after Pre-K. (Say it isn't so.) His mama just gave birth to Preston a few hours before.

Lane and Drew played all afternoon and in to the evening. Papa and I couldn't believe it. Drew transformed Lane in to a big boy.

Lane mimicked almost each and every one of Drew's moves - from tumbling on the floor with the short hair to drinking his drink when ever Drew drank his.

He couldn't get enough of Drew.

By the end of the day, I couldn't wait. I realized that in just a few short months, he's going to be the big brother. And, in just a year or so, his little brother is going to idolize him.

How cool is that?

I think he's (I'm) going to do just fine.

Yes, Preston Ryan Ward was born on Friday, August 6. He's perfect - and I've got pictures to prove it.

And, yes, Bro Bro is for sure a boy. We got to check him out late Friday morning. He's perfect too.


  1. Not exactly the most opportune moment to catch a photo of Teddy since he was already getting fussy, but to be honest it is an expression we see often.

    Lane is going to be such a fantastic big brother, and I know that he will love the role almost as much as you will love having two boys to chase around.

  2. Lane will be a wonderful big bro bro. He has to awesome parents that teach him nothing but love. Drew misses Lane and had so much fun. Thanks for all your help my punk rock girl.

  3. Laura, I think that Teddy is adorable - even when a little fussy. Who doesn't love a babe with a perfectly round head? Can't wait to see the two of you later this week.

    Stef, hopefully, our transition to two boys will be just as easy as yours. You make it look like a piece of cake.
    And, don't forget to love on Preston for me. As Drew would say, he's soooo soft. See you Friday.
