Turning five is special. Pretty much magical. And when you are so sweet, so special and so pretty - as our little Sydney is - you celebrate five in a big way.
Saturday, Sarah honored Sydney's fifth birthday with a Tinkerbell/Peter Pan party.

Everything about this party was perfect.

The gift bags.

The food.

The Pop Rocks.

The cookies and sweet treats.

And most of all this cake. This exquisite cake. Oh my gosh.

Drew was at the party.

With his mom, Stephanie.

And Sarah's mom was there - to take care of my child while I ran around taking photos of every single detail of the party.

The centerpieces.

With the butterflies.

And the cupcakes. Cupcakes are certainly my favorite.

The treasure chest filled with treats for all the guests.

And presents for the birthday girl:

the beautiful birthday girl, who I can't believe is five years old. I still remember the day, and the night, and the day, that we patiently waited for our sweet Sydney to be born.
She looked so beautiful at her party.

Where the boys got to decorate swords. (James borrowed Drew's.) And the girls got fairy dust.
We all got to eat cake.

Even Lane. Lane had his first taste of cake. He, and all of his chins, loved it.

Drew and his pirate hat liked it too.

Arghhh. Lane doesn't like being a pirate.
But we do love you Sydney.
Happy, happy birthday.
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