Lane thought getting tickled was hilarious, and we thought he was pretty funny as his chubby cheeks chuckled with the story.
And then, he made us laugh even harder.
Pointing at the book, he told us, "I like this."
That's kind of become our new motto around here.
I like this.
We've officially got one week under our belt as the parents of two little boys.
Lane seems to be adjusting well. Asking to hold Bro Bro a few times a day. Putting Evan's pacifier in his mouth when (and when not) needed. Showing concern when Evan cries.
He's getting a lot of papa time, which makes this mama a little jealous, but seems to be good for our big boy. He's enjoyed a barbecue lunch at Papa's favorite BBQ place, gone swimming at the gym and hung out at work - all while I've been at home loving on Evan.
When he's not paying attention to the baby, he's proving to us just how much he's grown. It is as if we left him a baby in his crib last Thursday night and came home to a big boy Saturday afternoon.
His vocabulary and memory increases daily - and he continues to amaze us with what he knows. He can now recognize each letter of the alphabet and is well on his way to being able to sing the entire ABC song. Numbers are second on his list - recognizing each number from zero to ten - and counting everything.
He doesn't appear to mind all the time we've been spending in our pj's and lounging around the house. He's doing a good job at keeping himself busy with all of the new cars, blocks, crayons and books he was gifted last week.
And, I'm not going to lie - he's had quite a few cookies and gummy bears.
But what the heck, it is not every day that you become a big brother.
With a much more relaxed set of parents than his big brother had, he's bound to be a little calmer and much more laid back.
He spends most of his days - and nights - with his eyes closed. When he's not sleeping or eating, he's gifting us with little bouts of awake time - mastering that same little Hoo face that earned his older brother his nickname.
We can't get over how much he looks like Lane, and we are trying our best not to compare the two of them. But it is so hard when you've got a mini of a mini living under the roof.
He likes to snuggle but is perfectly content to spend time in his bouncy seat while I tend to his older brother. He rarely cries - only to let us know when he needs a clean diaper or a little something to eat.
We're pretty smitten with him and happy he's here.
Going through a labor and delivery drug free seems to have done my body well - as my recovery is moving much faster than last time. I'm anxious to get back to our normal routine - although I know normal and newborn are rarely spoken in the same sentence and life as we knew it will be different now that we've got two boys.
So, I'm taking it one minute at a time. Snuggling each of my boys when they need it. Giving out lots of kisses. Changing an abundance of dirty diapers. Feeling pretty blessed.
I'm trying to sneak at least an hour nap in each afternoon, setting a goal of one load of laundry each day and getting a lot of help from Papa when it comes to cooking and cleaning.
Overall, I have to say, "I like this."