Sunday, February 28, 2010

We make beautiful babies

Saturday, Emily and Ellen came to town with the babes.
Stephanie treated all of us to a beautiful lunch.

Addison provided baby cheeks for loving and kissing.

Drew was so excited to introduce his "vicious hermit crab" to Lane and Tristan.
While we were eating lunch, we heard Drew tell the babes all about the crab.
Then, we heard a loud scream.
Stephanie found Drew in the foyer with a bright red tear-filled face and a bloody finger.
I found the hermit crab hauling it down the hallway.

Poor Drew's feelings were so hurt. He cried and cried.
Then fell asleep and missed most of the party.

See his poor little finger all bandaged and broken.

Lane couldn't understand why his best bud Drew wouldn't play.
He kept going in to the living room and talking to Drew.

Until he saw his mama with Addison.
Then he decided he needed to be in my lap.
Then I decided that Addison makes Lane look big.
Because it is not possible for him to be that big.

Then I also decided that I might need one of these little babies.
Maybe. Just maybe.

Lane played in the Cozy Coupe all day.
So, we brought it home.

Tristan turns two next week.
He's two cute.

We kept asking Addison to tell us if that's a boy or a girl growing in Stephanie's belly.
If she knows, she isn't telling.
I say boy. Or girl. Or boy.
I'll take either.
We'll find out in a few weeks.

You wouldn't know it but Sydney was there too.
She wasn't in a very social mood.

Tristan and Lane were. They played cars together.
Kind of.

Tristan didn't mind showing Lane how to play.

But he didn't want to share the cars.

Spending time with friends. Eating yummy foods. Talking about pregnant bellies and maternity clothes. Thinking about babes to come. Kissing on and loving kiddos - yours and others. All these things make for a beautiful day.

Until the vicious hermit crab attacks.

Meet ....
Drew's vicious hermit crab. Papa wanted a picture of him.
This was the best I could get of him inside the cage because I sure as heck wasn't getting him out!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Together we can

I've been thinking a lot about my last post - since I admitted that yes, as a parent, I get frazzled. I'm fortunate that it does not happen a lot, but yes, it happens.

Papa and I don't claim to be perfect parents. In fact, we will readily admit that when we brought Lane home we knew NOTHING about parenting a babe. We were clueless. However, we were in it together.

Now, 15 months later, I still don't think we know a lot. Sure, we know what works for Lane, and we think we have done a good job, but we are working on what we know now. All of this could change tomorrow.

I think it is funny when I hear a parent go on and on about how her baby never cries, sleeps all night, goes to anyone, does everything just perfectly. Because really, seriously, your baby never cries? Your baby never wakes at night and just won't go back down? Your baby does exactly what you want all the time?

If so, you are lucky. I wasn't that lucky.

Lane cried. Lane did not sleep through the night until he was almost seven months old. Lane was clingy to me. Lane got overstimulated - easily.

We went through the "witching hour," that one hour in the evening when Lane would just cry. No amount of rocking, humming, holding, changing, or loving could do anything. He just cried.

There were phases in Lane's newborn life when he would give us six or seven hours of sleep. And then there were times when he simply would not.

Lane liked me the best. And he did not like to be overstimulated. It is just that simple.

I chose to nurse my babe and in doing so, we spent a lot of time together. If there was anywhere he wanted to be - it was right next to me. Maybe this played a part in his fears of going to other people or maybe it is just in his nature. (His papa is a very private person.) He did not like to be passed around from person to person. He would scream.

Do you want to know something? When papa and I accepted the situation for what it was and stopped trying to force something else on ourselves, Lane and others, it got better.

We would simply tell people, "He's a very clingy baby. He likes his mama and papa the best. You are more than welcome to hold him. However, he gets easily overstimulated so just take a few minutes to let him look at you and hear your voice. Then, give it a try. He might let you or he might want to come right back to us."

That simple. We stopped apologizing and did what we needed to do.

The witching hour - that stopped too. We read about it online. We talked to other parents. We learned that we just needed patience. This too, we were told, would pass. And it did.

Sleeping through the night? Well, that came with time. I never tried any kind of sleep training. I just did what I needed to do - get up at night and work my way through it - one night at a time. Eventually, Lane would wake just once for a quick feeding and then go back to bed. Over time, he started sleeping all night.

But listen, these things - crying for no reason, clinging on to me, waking at night - they all still happen.

Sometimes, Lane just cries. He is a baby. His communication skills are limited. If something is bothering him, he cries.

Going to others? Sometimes, he just won't do it. If he does not know you than he probably won't open up to you right away. If he is tired than he is going to stay right by my side.

Sleeping at night? I can say that he is a champion sleeper - a good 11 to 12 hours at night and two solid naps a day.

But, not all the time. I still hear his cries from his room once or twice a week.

Sometimes, he is cold. So, I cover him up. Sometimes, he is soaking wet. So, I change his diaper. Sometimes, he is looking for a pacifier. So, I give him one. (Because yes, I am not perfect. I still let my 15 month old use a pacifier.) Sometimes, that molar that just won't break through bothers him. So, I just hold him and rock him back to sleep.

Most of the time he goes back to sleep quickly. Sometimes, he does not.

What I am saying is there is a lot that goes on here at Allison Drive that I don't tell you about.

There are evenings when papa gets home from work and I am out the door for that one hour of much needed Pilates. Because, yes, the everyday tasks of a stay at home mama get me frazzled some times.

Sometimes, a very hard-working papa gets stressed too. Just last night, he woke me with a lot on his mind. We breathed in and out and talked our way through it.

After papa fell asleep, I thought a lot about how our actions affect Lane. How I want him to know that his parents are not perfect. How we sometimes make mistakes. How we sometimes need a break. How we sometimes just don't have all the answers.

What we are though is a family who works through our stresses and frustrations together. Sometimes, it is as simple as going outside and playing in the sun. Sometimes, it requires talking our way through it.

What it all equals is a family who can openly admit to one another that we are not perfect parents. And in our minds that is what makes us the best parents we can be at this moment in time.

In turn, we are able to spend almost all of the time we have together - together - enjoying our babe.

See even Lane isn't perfect. Sometimes, he gets food all over his face when he eats.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Thank you to today

I feel like I should thank today's sunshine for reminding me what motherhood is all about for me. I've been sick with the crud. I had my eyes dilated at the doctor's this morning. It's been cold. We've been staying inside. A lot.

I thought a trip to the mailbox would make Lane happy this afternoon. It did. Then, when we got inside, he cried to go back out. I did not want to. I wanted to stay inside. Snuggle on the couch. Read a magazine or watch some more reality (trash) TV.

As I was getting frazzled with Lane's cries, a voice inside of me told me to put on some shoes and go outside and play - play with your baby. You will both feel better.

So we did. We played with the shorthair. We played with sticks. We played with rocks. We kissed in the sun. We laughed. We both felt better.

When we came inside, Lane showed me his gratitude by falling asleep on my chest. Something he never does any more but I love so much. He let me hold him tight and snuggle him close. I got to hear his breath while he slept and stare at his perfect nose and chubby cheeks.

I realized how lucky I am to have this babe. To take care of him every day. To prepare his meals. To change his diapers. To watch him learn. To hear him laugh. To clean up his messes. To kiss him. To hug him. To call him mine.

To be here for him when he needs me.

I needed a reminder - I'm sure I will need many more throughout my life - that motherhood is the most rewarding responsibility I have ever been given.

But that is just what it is - a gift - and I am so, so thankful for it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Take a hint

Shortly before Lane's first birthday, papa and I were discussing his short life and how fast the first year passed. Jokingly, papa commented, "I wished we would have taken more photos!"

Ha, ha. I get it. I take a lot of photos of my babe.

Lane gets it too.

That's the lens cover in his hand - coming right at the camera as I was snapping pictures at the park Saturday.

(Boogers strictly for your viewing pleasure.)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A lesson learned

I spend hours every day trying to teach Lane: counting the pigs in the picture hanging in his room; showing him how to use a spoon; signing "thank you" each time he says "dah" (his word for thank you); naming the colors of the balls in his ball pit.

For as much as I try to teach him, he ends up reminding me of so many of life's important lessons.

Saturday afternoon, he was a little weary of going down the big slide at the park. With papa at the top to encourage him, and mama at the bottom to catch him, he finally let go.

Sometimes, you just have to go for it - and know the ones who love you will be there for support.
Then, you go back up to the top and do it all over again.

Friday, February 19, 2010

A boy and his dog

Play ball together.

Give each other forehead kisses.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Where's Hoo?

Wondering where Hoo's been hiding?

He's had a little case of the ick.
And also made his mama sick.

This morning when the sun rose.
Everything feels better -even his runny nose.

We woke to a smiling Hoo.
So we took this picture to share with you.

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Loves

What did your sweet hearts get you for Valentine's Day?

Papa and Hoo Bird treated me to two new beautiful cast iron pots.

I treated papa to a long afternoon nap.

Hoo received a big red bouncing ball - and an afternoon to throw fist fulls of the pups' food all over the kitchen and living room.

It was quite possibly the best gift he has ever been given.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The lunch crowd

I've noticed a recent trend here on Allison Drive. Shortly after Lane's lunch is served, the same two friends appear out of no where to join him.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sweetheart Dance

Yesterday, Lane and I hosted a little gathering of friends for our first ever Sweetheart Dance. The day included a Valentine's inspired lunch, hearts hanging every where, love songs and dance tunes loaded on the iPod and bubbles.

The babes enjoyed hanging out together, and the mamas enjoyed gushing over our loving little Valentines.

Oh, and the shorthair enjoyed all the bubbles! She was tuckered out last night from the day's fun.

Thanks to our friends who were able to make it to the dance.

Isn't my love bug the cutest little Valentine a mama could ask for?